FDSF congres

Geachte collega’s,

Op 03.09.2023 organiseert FDSF haar eerste CONGRES in dansschool Dursin!

We starten om 09.00 uur en eindigen om 19.00 uur! Collega’s Dick, Dimitri, Jole, Laura en Sofie leren je alles op een vlotte wijze aan!

So you can flawlessly teach yourself the start to, the refreshments and the two clips.



Cost ::

  • For the whole day only 25 €!
  • Free for Buldo teachers who are in order with their judging licence.
  • Buldo teachers can register their assistants at the price of €50.

For this study day, 75 jury points will be awarded in FDSF, 25 points per discipline.

If, as an attending Buldo teacher, you finally purchase the clip (mandatory for clubs/schools that have competitive dancers participating in the clips), this €25 fee will be deducted from the cost of the clip.

So don't hesitate and be welcome to the first FDSF Congress.

In the breaks you can get drinks in the dance school, in the lunch break you have to bring your own "meal".

We look forward to welcoming you on 03.09!

Dimitri Covent en Dick MatthysJean-Pierre De Pelsmacker