Congres 2024

Over the years, the Bulldo Congress has become a fixture, an event not to be missed. Once again, the aim is to bring you a range of variations and new things, so that you are ready to embark on a new dance season.

So, from 16 to 17 August, we will be going at it. In advance, bring your best dancing legs and your good mood.

For the party night and the Get together, you can register your life partner in addition to your dance partner!



Ballroom: G. Valentina – Lundin 

Latin: Michael Vaganay – Amandine Mauceri


For class work this year, we are again calling on our colleagues:


In addition to the classical work, several hours are planned for Jitterbug, Rock & Lindyhop, West Coast Swing, Austalian new vogue, Caribbean dances, Solo Latin/ballroom and, of course, to conclude the party dances.

In the social context, we will organise:

The party night on Thursday evening.

The Get-together on Friday evenings.

Midday lunches:

For those taking the “all-in package”, afternoon lunches are included. Although one-day visitors can order lunch on the spot (before 10 am), we ask you to place your order when you register if possible. This facilitates the organisational work.

Like previous years, you have the option to indicate that you:

  • does not eat fish
  • eating only vegetarian

ATTENTION: this only applies if your choice is indicated in advance on the registration sheet.

Op het congres zelf kan dit niet meer worden geregeld.

Participation prices:

You can find the participation prices on the registration form “Congresdeelname”.

Please deposit to account number BULDO: BE77 1420 5597 0742 or via the form on the website.

For those following the entire conference, the well-known all-in formula is the most advantageous.

All-in price (the full conference, the three lunches, the get-together and the party evening):

Moreover, timely registration (before 07.08) is financially advantageous. 

For the date of payment, the value date on Buldo’s bank statement will be taken as reference.

Practical information:

Conference venue : Salons Mantovani, Doorn 1 at 9700 Oudenaarde

Day 1

10:00 – 10:50

E. Mine - Classwork Slowfox

G. De Roef – Rock-Swing-Jitterbug

11:00 – 11:50

C. Audeval –  Classwork Quickstep

S. Eyckens – Claswork Solo Cha-Cha – Rumba

12:00 – 14:00


14:00 – 14:50

Gustav & Valentina Lundin - Standard High

G. Deroef – Calsswork Jive

15:00 – 15:50

Gustav & Valentina Lundin - Standard High

L. Carabeuf – Classwork Samba

16:00 – 16:50

Gustav & Valentina Lundin - Standard High

M. Brulez - Party Dancing

Party night

Day 2

09:30 – 10:20

Gustav & Valentina Lundin - Standard High

E. Somers – Classwork Paso Doble

10:30 – 11:20

Gustav & Valentina Lundin - Standard High

A. Schabon – Classwork Cha Cha

11:30 – 12:20

Gustav & Valentina Lundin - Standard High

M. Dekkar - Caraibbean danse

12:30 – 14:00


14:00 – 14:50

E.Somers – classwork solo salsa, bachata..

M. Vandenhove - Classwork Solo Quickstep

15:00 – 15:50

M.Vaganay – A.Mauceri (High level Latin)

M. Lantin – Klaswerk Engelse Wals

16:00 – 16:50

M.Vaganay – A.Mauceri (High level Latin)

M. Baert - Wedding opening dance


Day 3

09:30 – 10:20

M.Vaganay – A.Mauceri (High level Latin)

D. Matthys – Klaswerk Rumba

10:30 – 11:20

M.Vaganay – A.Mauceri (High level Latin)

JP Corbée – Popcorn Swing

11:30 – 12:20

M.Vaganay – A.Mauceri (High level Latin)

JP Corbée – Classwork Tango

12:30 – 14:00


14:00 – 14:50

D. Matthys – American Smooth

D.Van den Heuvel – Classwork solo : Samba

15:00 – 15:50

J. Boudewijns - Argentine Tango

Guido – Isabelle De Smet: Jive à 4

16:00 – 16:50

L. Lefevre - line dancing

Changes to the timetable and programming remain possible

Registration form

U kan het word-documenten dowloaden onder deze link : ‘Inschrijvingsformulier NL 2024.pdf’

Form to be completed and paid by 7 August 2024.

  • All-in : 320 € per person (after 7 August -> 345 €).
  • Per individual day, you pay €100 per person for the lectures (after 7 August -> €110), possibly plus the price of lunch (€30 per lunch), party night (€100 per person) and get together (€65 per person).
Your data

Selecteer waar u zal aan deelnemen:

Please indicate your meal preferences

Selecteer waar u zal aan deelnemen:

Preferred meals